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Ssstyles › Carousel

A simple style system • v1.3.1


A carousel is a UX element that scrolls its content horizontally. It will auto-stop your scrolling when the next element is reached. You can tell it to anchor its elements to the left or right by calling data-carousel="left" or data-carousel="right", respectively. Anchroing at the center is the default behavior.

You need to import the CSS file and assign the data attribute to use it.

@import "ssstyles/css/carousel.css" layer(components);
<div data-carousel tabindex="0">
	<div data-card>Hi!</div>
	<div data-card>I just met you</div>
	<div data-card>And this is crazy</div>
	<div data-card>But here's my slider</div>
	<div data-card>So scroll me maybe</div>

Please don't forget to set a tabindex to your [data-carousel] element, to enable keyboard navigation.